...and so it goes...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

let the games begin

ah... papers to write, chapters to read, coffee to consume... and what more constructive thing to do than POST ON MY STUPID BLOG!! i am the definition of procrastination. i've been staring at this blank word document for approximately 4 hours, hoping that words will magically appear. besides the occasional profanity, nothing coherent has surfaced.

i find myself distracted by the conversations of the panera customers around me, and 30 minutes later realize that i have no comprehension of the article i just read. however, ask me about the love life of the middle-aged women to my right, and i can regurgitate every last detail. note to self - refrain from personal conversations in coffee-shops! :)

went to allison's last night for the olympic opening ceremonies. here are the life-altering epiphanies from the evening:

1) there are indeed hot italian men somewhere in that country

2) i've come to realize WHY artists are paid so poorly

3) susan sarandon is apparently the best american representative of olympic spirit

4) tiramisu is a pain in the ass to make, and must be kept refrigerated

5) mcdonalds is considered an ethnic food

overall, acid would have enhanced the evening, since the producers of the pre-game festivities must have been high on something. i still question how i lasted through the whole thing.

in other news.... well,.... actually.... i have no other news.


  • At 7:16 PM, Blogger allison said…

    Besides the arrival of the Hungarian team (dang you Italians and the fact it's all the way in the "U"s of the alphabet!), my favorite moment of the night:

    "I guess Funkytown is in India."


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