...and so it goes...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

say what?

i've been collecting conversations with anne for your entertainment.

1) Google Chat Confusion

setting: phone conversation

how come i never turn orange?
me: because you only turn orange when you're idle
Anne: nuh uh, 'cause everytime i look on my screen it's green
me: that's cause you're not idle anymore
Anne: well, you're orange right now
me: that's 'cause i'm not at my computer
Anne: oh.... well, will you bring your computer over sometime so i can see myself turn orange?


2) Candy Man

setting: PennStation

enter 2 mentally handicapped men

Anne: i feel like they're going to come over here and talk to us
me: what? no they're not
Anne: i just have that feeling

(10 minutes later)

mentally handicapped man
(hands anne a mint): wanna piece of candy?

(looks of amazement and disbelief)

sure, thanks
mentally handicapped man: you're hot!

(awkward silence, laughter, departure from PennStation)


  • At 6:17 PM, Blogger philthy said…

    can you just videotype all interactions with anne and send them to me? I'll give you a self-addressed stamped envelope.

  • At 9:02 AM, Blogger allison said…

    Amazing that anne has the ability to forecast weird approaches by mentally challenged people.


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