...and so it goes...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

man, i feel like a woman

so i'm taking geography 101 this semester... that's right, i'm a senior, so i get to take the easy classes. my professor is this goofy guy who always refers to the "third world" as the "global south", which distracts me immensely because everytime i hear "global south", i think of the aalyah song with the phrase "dirty south". inevitably, the song is stuck in my head for hours on end.

in general, the class is... well... boring, but it has some interesting concepts. we talk alot about how every white individual is the spawn of satan because we like to colonize places. i tend to agree. but once the prof got done bitching about how sucky we are, he started bringing up some issues in which there's hope for redeeming ourselves.

for example, today, we watched this video about the mortality and morbidity of women in third world countries. the theme of the movie was about how we need to get across to these countries the use of contraceptives, since they start poppin' out kids when most of us are just getting out of the cootie stage. needless to say, these women haven't developed their "birthin' hips" (as my friend aaron likes to say), and suffer chronic complications from pregnancy... both physically and socially.

i have come to appreciate being a woman in our society, and the minimal cultural restrictions that we have. now, i am definitely NOT a feminist... i'd rather not have too many women in congress (for fear of tripling the national debt), and i'm extremely content with a male-only draft (because i know i wouldn't want our national security in a female's freshly manicured hands). rather, i just enjoy being a lady. for instance, i got 5 stamps today at espresso when i only bought 1 drink (just for smiling and looking cute), and i didn't have to open more than 3 doors today (since there was always a male in front of me). i guess it's just made me realize how much i'm looking forward to being a housewife and child-bearer, and i'm really excited about having someone to fix things around the house and kill bugs.

God is amazing in how we can be wired to long for the things that are expected of us. so all those fem-nazis can keep on protesting about women's rights, but i think that us women have it great in this society. in fact, i have done my research, and discovered that there are many "benefits of being a woman"


  • At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I can't get pregnant. You know, that's just a benefit of being a guy.


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