...and so it goes...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

half-ass job

well friends, i am currently in the month-long process of moving into my new apartment. my couch came in.... and i love it! i just lay on it all of the time (primarily because i have no other seating, but also because it's awesome).

thanks to my wonderful mother, i am an interior decorator at heart (note i didn't say "good interior decorator") and have a passion for "fixing up". well, upon first walking into my apartment, my brain was flooded with visions of "what could be", and i decided to spruce up my new home.

those who know me best would say that i am ambitious, but lazy. oftentimes i begin a project, but then get bored in the middle, and leave it half-way done. for example: sometimes i get this urge to clean out my junk drawers (note the plural), and start by dumping everything out onto my floor. 20 minutes later, i get distracted, and leave the contents under foot. needless to say, i am good at preparing for future injury and/or lawsuit, but my jobs rarely get finished.

ideally, i would love to be one of those interior designers that says, "paint this wall" and "move this over there", but due to lack of finances and talent, i have yet to become such an entrepreneur. thus, i get stuck with the dirty work. i think you can see where this is going.

anyway, i have officially finished painting my living room (with the added bonus of extremely toned arms, thighs, and butt), and currently have a half-painted hallway and unpainted bedroom. painting is a pain in the ass (literally and figuratively).

i also decided to update my cabinets. i opted to shy away from the $50/month extra in rent for wood cabinets, so my kitchen is furnished with rust.... i mean, metal cabinets. now someone somewhere along the line decided that metal was just not cool. then they got the great idea of puting vinyl on the metal that "looks" like wood. what a clever disguise.... i almost couldn't tell (until i got within 10 feet, noticed all of the rust, and realized my grandmother had the same pattern on her panelled walls). with the aide of anne, i rushed to the famed target (tar-jay) and found some contact paper to undo the mess. ironically, we chose "faux metal". that's right folks, i'm putting faux metal on my wood-covered metal cabinets! well, there's gotta be more drama to this story.

and there is..... i was almost finished, and i ran out of faux metal adhesive. running frantically to target, i was alarmed to see an empty bin. we had bought ALL of the adhesive. "oh well", i thought, "i can just look online". i will have you know, that the company no longer supplies faux metal covering. so now, i'm stuck with a half-metal, half-wood covered metal, full-rust kitchen. damn you TLC!

oh, and just a side note.... my AC is broken.... it's frozen up and they can't fix it until monday.


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