...and so it goes...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

this one's for my ladies!

hey, it's OK...

...to be wary of any body of water that's not chlorinated. there are creatures in there!

...if you're not exactly conquering the world, professionally. to somebody out there you're a VIP!

...to do better with animals than with people.

...to feel like you're five years old again everytime you hug your dad.

...if you're still not over the brad/jen breakup.

...to be a lousy cook, and abysmal gardener and, at best, a flawed interior decorator. whoever said you had to be domestic to be a catch?

...to return his call faster than he returns yours.

...to calculate your tax refund and instantly think, "yes, more clothes!"

(complements of GLAMOUR magazine)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

You're a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

You can't stop talking about the "good old days" of the past. While you remember everything being so much better and more glorious back then, you've got to realize that times have changed! It's time to move on, time to bring in the new technology and advancements! Still, there is some charm to your olden out-dated ways. Children seem to love you, for example, as do some historians and scientists. And you should really eat something... your bones are starting to show.

Take the Animal Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

assessment of this designation:
1) i do like memories (and often have rose-colored glasses when reminiscing)
2) i'm not that far behind in technology
3) children hate me (or maybe i just don't like them)
4) my bones are not starting to show... but i'll use any excuse i can to indulge in chocolate (yeah, so lauren, forget that workout schedule we made)

"it's time to get bitter"

"...and how are we supposed to recruit anyway? these guys are like 'hell, i was down at USC gettin laid after every game... now i'm at UofI gettin beat-up by a Penn State cheerleader'"
-Joe Boo

need i really say more?